How Much Technical Skill Do You Need to Make It Online?

In today’s blog post, I wanted to address a question I have been seeing a lot in internet marketing forums.  “How much technical skill do you need to make it online?”  I found this question to be rather interesting because as I was doing research, I realized that this question mostly came from people who had been trying to make it online for a while, had been scammed, and they finally realized that those products that claim to make you thousands of dollars a night with the “push of a button” .don’t really exists.  This also prevents them from moving past their fears and seeing success.

Well, I have some good news for you.  As someone who has been making money online for a while now, I can tell you that it doesn’t take a lot of technical skill to make it online.  I, myself, am not a “techie.”  The truth is that the technical skills you need to make money online vary depending on the business model that you choose to go with.  Yeah, that’s right.  There’s more than one legitimate model to make real money online.  Regardless of the method you choose, the most challenging aspect tends to be the initial setup (just because it requires a learning curve, and you’ve never done it before.)

The good thing about this is that once you get over the initial setup of whatever business model you choose, most of everything else you learn actually has to do with the “making money” part of it and is considerable easier to handle (usually just about getting out content since that’s where the value comes from online).  It will become second nature.  The other good thing is that you only need one legit business model and a program that teaches it to make it online.  Below, you will find a link to various business models and products that teach them.

Yours in online success,








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