Month in Review – April 2016

Well, this month was pretty uneventful – unfortunately.  I thought I might be promoting some products in my niche outside of internet marketing but came to find out that those products had already been released a couple of years ago — before I got into the niche.  This sucks.  Not only does it mean that the launch didn’t go over well, but a lot of keywords and stuff are already taken up.

When I see products like this, I don’t even bother.  Lots of times when a launch falls flat — even if the product is good — was because the product creator didn’t know how to attract enough affiliates — especially the heavy-hitters in the niche that can draw buzz.  Overall, they just suck at online promotions.  I’ve noticed that some creators think that — just because they might be on t.v. — whatever they create is going to sell with little effort — not true.

Let’s see.  What else happened.  I forgot to cancel a domain name before it renewed — waste of money because the site wasn’t making me any money – hate when I forget to do that.  I’ve also noticed things kind of slowing down in general, so in order to be more proactive, I think I might start doing a case study for Google Sniper 3 next month and choose a niche I’m not already in.

There haven’t been any other good, blogging products to come out in long time.  Newbies seem to like case studies, and having to post my progress pushes me and holds me accountable.  In the end, I will also have a new money-making machine.  It’s a win for newbies struggling with what they should do and a chance for me to bring in more money with a new site – win-win situation.

That’s all for now.  Until next time…

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