Month in Review – November 2015

It’s that time of the month, again.  I have to say that I think more interesting things happened to me this month than in months prior.  For starters, I got contacted by a guy that saw me in what’s probably the most popular internet marketing forum.  He said that he not only liked my blog but liked how I answered peoples’ questions in said forum and approached me with an opportunity.

While I’ve been approached by people before to do various things, I’ve never actually taken people up on it before.  Because of what was involved, I decided it was about time to change all of that, so this was (and is – still working on it) my first little “mini joint venture,” if you will.  I was introduced to an internet marketing forum called Webmaster Sun (free to join, I’m “Miguelito203” on there)  that seems more geared towards newbies.

As the year comes closer to an end, it’s around this time of year that I start making plans for the upcoming year.  I try to take a look ahead and see what kind of promotions people have coming up for the new year and what not.  This can be tricky because nothing is set in stone.  Some people say they are going to launch something but then put it on ice for a number of reasons.  Some things get added at the last minute — so much so that you don’t have time to plan stuff.

I don’t like surprises – LOL!  I just hope that it’s better than 2015 because there weren’t too many quality products to come out in the IM space that I wanted to promote.  2015 seemed to the year of those binary option software products — not I said the cat.  I personally want to see more quality blogging products.  The only two big, quality blogging products out right now are Google Sniper 3 by George Brown (lower cost) and Affiloblueprint 3 by Mark Ling (cost a little more).

From what I can tell so far, everything is pretty much “to be announced.”  I hope this starts to change by the middle of December.  I guess time will tell.

Until next time…


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