Hey, guys. I’ll start off this month’s post with some good news. I got my first payment from my service provider job – really wondering if it’s worth it, though (being a service provider is not for slackers like me – ha). Around the middle of the month, I learned about a new product in the dating niche that I followed to see where it leads. Additionally, the traffic to my site shot up literally overnight.
At first I thought it was unexplainable. Then, I realized that a product creator released a product the day before that happened to have the same name of a product I had already reviewed a long time ago (years). As a result, I was at the top of the search engines for this one product. I’ll have to see how long this last before I can determine if it is in fact because of the product launch or if it’s algorithm thing going on with the search engines.
Hopefully, this is an algorithm thing, where I will see the benefits long-tern, which will allow my earnings to go up. After some more investigation, I figured out that the big jump in traffic is coming to my site from the product launch, so any increase in sales will most likely be temporary — unless the product launch really takes off.
Speaking of which, I’ve got to get on the launch that’s outside of the IM niche (the niche my other smaller sites are in). I hope this one takes off because it’s been a while since a product has really taken off in this space. Well, that’s all I’ve got to report. Until next time…